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CV Building & Editing

A well-structured, diverse and coherent resume is a crucial component of any medical application. It allows admissions officers to get a glimpse into each student’s life. Our mentors are aware of the value and emphasis placed on CVs, which is why we help our students strategically select and present unique experiences that highlight each student's distinctive talents.

What is CV building & editing?

The art of putting together a strong CV is an acquired one. When all applicants have competitive grades & a strong overall application, a unique CV may be the element that differentiates two applicants apart. CV building & editing involves crafting a resume, by carefully selecting specific entries that together paint the picture of a unique and well-rounded applicant. 

Why is CV building recommended?

By working closely with a mentor throughout the editing stages of resume building, entries are more carefully selected & worded to accurately reflect & highlight your most unique and impressionable accomplishments. Medical application CVs are an opportunity for applicants to shine outside the academic sphere so carefully crafting a strong CV goes a long way.

How do CV  sessions go? 

The first session is the most crucial and information-heavy. Given that different schools have different interview styles this session is meant not only to go over general interview format, content & useful strategies but to cover your schools' specific questions & format. Once content & strategies are successfully internalized, focus is then shifted on completing an endless amont of practice scenarios & mock simulations! Together student and coach dissect performance & responses and highlight was could be improved.

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