Application Review
Putting a medical school application together can be stressful & overwhelming. While some schools have a relatively straightforward & simple application process, others require applicants to draft & upload loads of school-specific content. Tracking your application status and working closely with a mentor helps you stay organized and on top of things.
What is an application review mentor?
Someone you start seeing either at the beginning of your application journey or throughout the process to help organize your time efficiently. An application review mentor can help you draft & edit school-specific content, review content you've already written and give your application valuable feedback before submission.
Why is an application mentor recommended?
Most medical schools have specific application requirements. For example, McGill University requires applicants to draft & upload a particular CV. Ontario medical schools like University of Toronto & Queen's University require their students to write an array of personal essays and prompts. Working closely with a mentor throughout the drafting & review process can help students produce unique content while reducing unnecessary stress.
How do our review sessions go?
The format of the review sessions differ based on each applicants' individual needs. Sessions can begin by outlining each schools' requirements and creating an efficient timeline that factors in all content that needs to be drafted. Sessions can also be geared towards producing unique content to match a school's specific requirements. Lastly, the application review mentor can analyze your application to ensure everything is in order and requirements are met.